How to Prepare for an Online Interview

Today a lot of companies are scheduling online interviews with perspective employees as a first-round process before an in-person interview. This has become very efficient for both parties especially if the job location requires you to relocate.

Some companies may use an online interview as their sole method and not even have an in-person interview. Whatever the reasons are, you as a candidate must be fully prepared.

The following are some pointers that should help you enhance that all-important first impression:

Prior to the interview (1 or 2 days in advance would be ideal) test out your computer’s camera and microphone to ensure they are working optimally. Test call a friend to double check the video and voice quality. This will also give you a chance to feel comfortable speaking to someone online.

Dress in appropriate attire just as you would for an in-person interview. The camera will be on
and you want to make a great professional appearance.

Make sure you are seated in a quite area devoid of any distractions. You want to ensure they
can hear you clearly and without any background noises. Also, the backdrop of your seating area should be appropriate. A home office is ideal but if that is not possible just make sure you have a clean area behind you. In other words, do not conduct the interview sitting on your bed with your pillows and headboard in the background!

Prepare thoroughly for your interview and don’t have notes and papers around you in the desk
that you need to refer to find answers to questions that may be asked. The interviewer may not be able to see these papers, but they can certainly hear the shuffling sounds. This also means knowing everything written in your resume.

Log in at least 5 minutes before your interview starts. Use this time to center your focus and
take a few deep breaths. It is better to be early to the interview than late!

Making eye contact with the camera is important. You might be tempted to look at your reflection or look off to the side, but this eye diversion can be easily be picked up via the camera. So, as you would look at the person conducting an in-person interview, do the same by means of the camera.

During the interview be calm, have a proper posture and do your best. Don’t forget to send a
thank you email a few hours after the interview.

I would suggest that you practice mock online interviews while following the steps above with your
friends and or relatives. Practicing will help you be more prepared for a successful Online Interview but
don’t make your answers seem rehearsed on the day of the interview. Just be yourself.

The post How to Prepare for an Online Interview appeared first on CareerPro Resumes.


Author: Career Pro Resumes

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